Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Quick Update

It's been a while since I've written here, so I think an update on how I'm doing is long overdue!
I had surgery on Thursday the 6th to remove the last remaining nodes of concern showing up on my scans. This surgery went pretty well, and the radiologist was able to perform intraoperative radiation treatment on a few of the spots, which is great! Some of the nodes they removed were cancerous, and a couple were not, which isn't terribly surprising, but the main idea is they got everything that seemed suspicious. It took six days before I was recovered enough to leave the hospital, and in that time I watched all 7 Fast and Furious movies for the first time (thanks to my pastor who lent them to me!). They were fun, ridiculous, and surprisingly good at times; definitely the right kind of movie to watch during a surgery recovery! Though I got out of the hospital last Wednesday I had to go back in on Thursday due to a buildup of fluid in my abdomen. They drained 1.5 liters and I felt instantly better. Saturday evening I went back in to the hospital for the same exact thing. They weren't able to drain the fluid until Sunday morning, but it was the same amount again, and so this second time they left a drain in. The fluid has been slowing down a little I think, though the drain will have to stay in for some time yet. I should be able to go home tomorrow though since I can have the drain taken out back home once it slows down enough. For now, I'm enjoying the NHL playoffs, trying to get a little writing done, and resting and recovering.

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