Monday, July 3, 2017

Book Update

I’m getting really excited about my book on faith and cancer. It’ll either be really good or really bad; I’m not quite sure which yet. Recently I’ve found a few publishers that want a whole manuscript, not just the first couple chapters, a formal proposal, and an outline of the rest as used to be the case, so I’ve been working on finishing up the rest of the book. I should be done with it as best as I can be without other people reading it by about the end of the week, so I’ll be looking for some beta readers soon. If reading it and giving me feedback interests you, just let me know! I have a few people lined up already but could certainly use a couple more.

This book will be part memoir, part musings on theological issues relevant to my experiences with cancer. I’ll retell my treatment history of the last two-and-a-half years, hopefully without being too dull or downbeat, while exploring ideas like why suffering happens, what prayer means, and how The Church can—and cannot—support and help people in situations like mine.  If that sounds interesting to you and you have some time in the next month or so to read and critique, just let me know and I can add you to my list of Beta readers. If that sounds interesting but you don’t have time, stay tuned in the coming months (hopefully!) for information about publication. And if this doesn’t sound interesting to you, just ignore everything I’m saying here!


  1. From reading your posts I think your book will give readers insight into how faith and cancer interact. I would love to read it, don't know that my critiquing would help, but sure I would learn a lot.

  2. HI Morgan,
    I just found your blog while reading your article on "Unfundamentalist Christians". Your blog honest and insightful to the condition of living with cancer and trying to figure out faith. I'm sorry to say that I have a bit of insider information being the mother of a 28 year old daughter that lived with that bully cancer by her side (for her it wasn't a fight or a battle, just living) until 2 years ago. She, Jacqui and I had a blog as well mostly to keep friends and family informed of what was going on. Stuggles with faith, coming to terms with the unknown, looking for purpose - so many things you've said sound so familiar. I would like to have more information about your book. If you are interested our blog is:
    Peace, Carol

    1. Hi Carol,
      I just realized I have comments I didn't see before! Sorry I didn't respond to this before. I don't really have any more information on my book as of yet; I'm still trying to find an agent/publisher. I'll definitely update here on my blog if and when anything develops on that front. Thanks for sharing your blog with me; I'll check it out right now!
