Monday, January 23, 2017

January 23rd, 2017

I am pleased to announce a new book in the works! Cancerous Faith: How a Fifteen Percent Chance of Living Improved my Life explores ideas related to cancer, faith, and my experiences with both. This book expands upon some of the themes I've touched on here in my blog while looking deeper into issues related to faith, cancer, and their intersection in my life over the past two years. I will begin querying agents soon for this nonfiction work, and I'll keep you posted here what happens with it.

Chemo continues much as it has the last several months. Every evening I eat a snack and take a cyclophosphamide pill. On Wednesdays I go to the local cancer center for a pair of chemo drugs through IV infusions. The only new development worth mentioning is the start of some neuropathy. A potential side-effect of pretty much every chemo I've had thus far, neuropathy is basically the same sensation as a foot or hand "falling asleep." For me it's been a very mild tingling and numbness that becomes more prevalent by the third week of chemo and disappears during my off week. It's a minor miracle I haven't experienced it before now, and it's very mild and goes away if I shake the affected hand or foot. There isn't much else to report, other than I hope to post here regularly again.

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